Friday, November 30, 2012

Saturday, December 1

Happy December everyone!  It's going to be even hotter here today than yesterday.  We've already had one excursion today, to an outdoor stoore called 'Anaconda'.  The adventure starts here!  We were looking for a specific gift for a certain someone, but they didn't have what we wanted.  Pity.  It's hot and very humid out there today, so now we're back at Casa Demmitt in air conditioned splendor.  The dog has been in the pool already for a cool down.

Tonight we're on kid sitting duty.  Shaun is getting pizza for the babysitters!  We'll spend the evening hanging out with the kids, maybe in the pool later, and spending some time packing for our departure tomorrow.

Friday, November 30

Today we did not much of anything.  It was 42 degrees in the sun, and about 40 in the shade, so we sat in air conditioned splendor today.  Even the birds looked hot.  Shaun mowed the lawn, with lots of breaks in between mowing sessions.  Did I mention that it was hot?  Not really sunny, though... quite overcast.

After the kids got home from school, Shaun & the family went into Sydney to see a stage production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  We had Shaun drop us off at the pub, where we consumed cold, frosty beverages.  Then went for Thai food in the local shops.  Then had to walk home, but at around 1930, it was a bit more bearable!

Drew and I managed to catch part of Crossfire Hurricane, the lastest documentary on The Rolling Stones.  Interesting stuff! 

Thursday, November 29

We left bright and early at 8:30 in Shaun's Subaru and drove to Jenolan Caves.  This was the better option than taking a train to Katoomba, then a $53 coach ride to the caves (that didn't include entrance fees), as it would alow us a bit more flexibility in the caves we went to see.

The Jenolan Caves are one of the oldest limestone karst cave systems in the world, estimated to be something like 450 million years old.  That's alot of stalactites and stalagmites!  There are estimated to be 300 caves in this system, and about 11 of them are developed with stairs, steps, ladders, handrails and electrical lights.  Actually, this place had one of the first generators for electricity in all of Australia, and just as many people came here in the 1800s to see this newfangled 'electricity' as they did for the caves themselves.

When I was here 7 years ago, I got on a tour coach in Katoomba, and I remember the Jenolan Caves Road as being terrifying in a big coach.  It's a 'two lane' road... but really, it's only 1 1/2 lanes.  On the blind corners, they put a white line in the middle of the road to suggest that there could be two lanes if you pull over far enough to almost go over the edge.  On the left side of the road is a drop off of about 300 meters.  On the right side is a solid rock face.  Glad I wasn't driving.  Luckily, we had absolutely no oncoming traffic on the drive in.  It's actually only the last 8km that are hair raising!

The 'Bat End' of the Orient cave.  This shawl used to hang down almost all the way to the floor, but was unfortunately damaged when putting in a new entrance.  The diggers were supposed to use a pick and shovel for the last meter or so, but decided to use dynamite instead.  The rate of grown on these shawls is 1cm per 100 years.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28

I woke up this morning... eventually.  Sick.  Flying with a head cold is not fun at all.  The sore throat is gone, but I'm trying to keep this  cold from becoming a nasty cough.

Drew and I just relaxed today, sitting on the veranda with Shaun and Macx the dog.  I felt not too bad, as long as I  didn't move!

The only thing we want to do that we haven't done yet is go to the Jenolan Caves.  After figuring out a plan A, and a backup Plan B, we think we are driving there tomorrow for a day excursion.  Unless I am too sick to enjoy it, then we will take the train to Katoomba on Friday and do a coach tour.  Our time here is coming to an end.  Luckily Shaun is home and will take us into the airport on Sunday for our flight home. Leanne - sadly for us, but good for her - is away  with some girlfriends, so we won't see her before we leave.

Friday and Saturday, it is forecasted to get to 40 degrees.  I think I will spend those days submerged in the pool.

The weather here today is overcast, but not really cold.  This evening after dinner, we were sitting outside in our shorts, eating ice cream and listening to the cockatoos coming in to roost.  Just a little bit chilled!  It has started to rain again, too... just a very light drizzle at first, but now at 1930, it's really coming down and the lightning and thunder has started again.

Drew and Shaun are debating with movie we will watch tonight... will it be the Battle of Britain, The Right Stuff, or Dark Blue Skies?

Tuesday, November 27

This was our day to leave Melbourne, and we were ready  to get out of a big city and back to paradise in Blaxland.  I woke up feeling under the weather with a wicked head cold... just what you want when you're flying!  Drew asked if we could get a late checkout, and said the desk guy would find out and let us know.  The Aussies we have come across in the travel industry, while being very nice, are also pretty lackadasical about timing, or setting up a meeting place, or anything else.  So by 10am, when the desk guy hadn't got back to us about a  late check out, I was fully prepared to stay in bed in misery.  But Drew, my little stickler for timelines and rules, made me get out of bed.  When we got down to  checkout, the desk guy felt pretty bad once he saw me, as he had arranged a late check out, but neglected to tell us.  We had brekkie at the hostel, then retreated up to a TV lounge and read until our taxi came for us at 1245.

It's a good thing that Drew had called ahead for a taxi, because the all night storm had caused havoc with traffic.  Our taxi driver told us that a couple of houses had been struck by lightning and burned to the ground.  And there was flooding.

Angela had posted on FB a weather warning of strong storms in NSW, so I wasn't really looking forward to the flight.  I took lots of drugs, and thankfully the weather held off!

Untill we got off the plane, then two trains from Sydney to Blaxland, and started the half hour walk back to Casa Demmitt with our luggage.  And I'm sick.  Once we started walking, the storm caught up with us, and we were in a full blown thunder and lightning storm.  Pulling luggage with a long, metal handle!  Well, Drew was pulling the luggage... I was doing my  best to keep up with him, because remember... I am sick!!  I am not fond of thunder and lightning, even less so if I happen to be walking in it!  Which I had never done before in my life.  I have to admit, it was a pretty awesome experience!  And luckily it wasn't raining... untill the last 100 meters or so of the walk, when we rounded the bend in the road and were within eyesight of the house.  Then the sky opened up!  All in all, it was an interesting commute from the Melbourne Metro YHA to Casa Demmittt... taxi, bus, flight, two trains and a half hour walk.  All of the Demmitts were out, so Drew and I retired to the veranda with beverages and watched the intesifying storm.

Monday, November 26

woke up  in Appollo Bay and caught the second  part of our Great Ocean Road tour.  I ended up with a sore throat, so we took it a bit easy today.  We were out for breakfast at the place the tour bus dropped us off on Saturday, thinking it would be easy enough to connect up with the bus again... wrong!  We were sitting on the sidewalk enjoying our breakfast at Ilka, but never saw the  bus.  Drew was running back and forth back to the hostel, and also up along the main street.  I wasn't feeling much like running around, but I did talk to a couple of other tour drivers who assured me that they saw our tour bus on the road.  We finally did connect up with them, and coincidently it was the same tour driver from our Phillip Island day... Ash!  He and Drew bumped into each other on the back street, and we were ready to go by 1320

Got dropped off to the hostel in Melbourne pretty late... about 11 pm or so.  Our room faced the city skyscrapers this time, and about 3am we were treated to quite the lightning storm.  It kept storming all night, and was still raining torentially in the morning.

More to add when I'm feeling better!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday, November 24

Today we walked the 2km from Appollo Bay to Marengo, where there is an airstrip.  And for the small amount of $300... each... you could take a one hour sightseeing flight in a LOW WING Cessna.  Don't know how much sights you'd see with that wing in the way.  We talked to the young pilot for a bit, just about general aviation and stuff like that.  We  walked to the airstrip along the Great Ocean Walk, which you could walk for 8 days or so.  On the  way back, we walked along the beach, and saw a baby seal lounging on the rocks. Apparently, seals are not so common here, because the two seal colonies we have come across have been specifically mentioned.

We got back Appollo Bay sometime after 2pm, and had a deep fried lunch of fish and chips and some other things... in the park, where the little seaguls were quite interested!

I'm starting to get a cold or something.  We came back to the hostel to shower and nap.  Drew was down the hall when two black cockatoos came and landed in the tree outside the window.  Drew and I went outside to get a better look, but a little bird came and scared them away.  They are huge birds, with red rings around their eyes. Very big!!

Saturday, November 23

We got picked up bright and early, 7:15,  for our Great Ocean Road trip with Autopia Tours.  The small bus didn't have luggage storage, and we had our suitcase with us since we were staying in Appollo Bay for two days.  The bus got full rather quickly, but the American student girls were good about  jumping over our suitcase in the aisle!  The scenery along the GOR reminds us so much of the Oregon coast... except for the gum trees, kangaroos and wild koalas sitting in  the gum trees!

Pictures posted when we get solid internet.

We went as far as Appollo Bay, and got dropped off at lunchtime.  Appollo Bay has a gorgeous youth hostel, but  unfortunately, it's not easy to get anywhere or see anything if you don't have a car.  So we have spent a lot of time walking on the beach and looking at the birds and walking around the village looking at houses and gardens.  Which is pretty nice in the lovely November weather!

Friday, November 23

Today we stayed in the city, went to the Old Melbourne Jail, then some thai lunch in Lygon Street, which is 'Little Italy'.  So of course we had to have Thai!  We went to the State Library in the afternoon, looked at some exhibits on 'The Changing Face of Victoria', and then watched a piano performance.  There was a hole cut into the piano, and the pianist got inside the piano to play it.  So they were playing the keys backwards.  And when I good   internet service, I will post a video!

Tonight, we went to korean bbq for dinner.

Thursday, November 22

Today we took the train to Ballarat, and went to Sovereign Hill, which is a living museum depicting mid 1800s life in a gold rush town.  We loved  it!  Nice to get out of the city.  Left on a 9am train, and were back in Melbourne by 5pm ish.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 21

Spending the day walking around the city.  started with a three hour walking tour. Now we aree at Federation Square,which has acceptable wi-fi.  Looking for lunch before finishingthe free tourist shuttle around the rest of the city, then back to the hostel for a nap. We are still alive, and having a great time with good weather.  Just wished we were a bit more wired!

Tuesday, November 20

Today we did a very full day trip to Phillip Island.  Google 'Phillip Island penguin parade' for all the information you'd ever want to know about the Little Penguins.  We were picked up at the hostel at 1045 am, and got back at about midnight.  It was a beautiful day!  On the way to Phillip Island, we stopped at Maru Koala & animal park and saw/fed/pet kangaroos & wallabies.

Drew was very happy to get a picture of this albino (pronounced 'al-BEE-no' if you're Aussie) yawning!

The kangaroos are pretty little, and very friendly when you have a palm full of 'roo treats!

A koala at the height of activity.  They sleep for 16 - 20 hours a day.  Their selective diet of only certain eucalyptus leaves doesn't provide them with a very high energy level.
There are two Tasmanian Devils in here.  They are only found in the wild on Tasmania.  The are becoming endangered in the wild, as they suffer from some sort of fatal malignant facial tumour.
Another active little koala.  See, his eyes are actually open!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Monday, November 19

We didn't really sleep well last night, in the worlds smallest hotel room.  I thought Drew was snoring awfully loud, but it  was actually the guy in the room next door.  We asked for a wake up call (which we never got), I set my alarm (which didn't go off), I set the clock radio (which didn't work), and Drew set his watch (which worked!)  I must have known the alarms would be flakey, because I pretty much woke up every hour during the night.

We had to be at the front desk of the 'hotel' at 445 to catch the 5am shuttle.  We got to Terminal 2 a little after 5, to be told that our flight to Melbourne (Avalon) was cancelled, and we were rebooked on a Quantas flight at 0845 to the other airport, Tullamarine.  We grabbed a coffee, and are still awaiting our reservation to be transferred over.  We've checked every half hour, but we're still not in the computer...!  At least there is good free wifi!  And the flat white was good!

At least we are not travelling to Queensland.  There have been horrible, violent storms!  Melbourne is supposed to be 23 and sunny.  Perfect!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sunday, November 18

We took our chances on Shaun's schedule when we booked a 7am flight on Monday to go to Melbourne.  Shaun was scheduled for a 730 flight, so we banked on catching a ride to the airport with him.  But, of course, since we actually banked on that, Shaun got called for a flight this morning.  So he was off to Brisbane at about 8am, to spend the day in a hotel for a midnight flight to... somewhere.  We had to go to Plan B.  Unfortunately, the first train out of the Mountains is at 0422 on Monday, and with connections, would get us to the airport too late to check in for our flight.  So we are training off to Sydney around 5pm ish this afternoon, and staying at the no-doubt luxurious Sydney Airport Hotel.  Only $105, and it includes... free wireless wi-fi!  We shall see.  This actually works out pretty good, as we can get there on the train for about $8, transferring at Central in downtown Sydney.  The hotel clerk even told us which platform to transfer to! And they have airport drop off in the morning.  So we don't have to get up at the crack of stoo-pid in the morning.  It will take us about 1 hour 45 minutes to get there, including the transfer and walking the 500 meters with our big, fat suitcase... that is about .9 kilo under the maximum weight for the JetStar flight tomorrow!

We spent today doing laundry, eating leftover pizza, knitting, drinking coffee, eating Tim Tams, watching the kids... packing... figuring out travel details... updating the travel blog!  I'm going to miss easy access to internet.  Travel blog updates might be far and few between... but Facebook should be easy enough!  Sorry, Randy.

<update...Drew here>
We took the train into Sydney and checked into the Airport Hotel.  It looked kinda seedy on the outside but inside the room was clean but small.  We couldn't figure out how to power-up the room but at is was going on 7pm decided to find some supper.  The area where we are staying isn't particularly urban however the lady at the front desk recommended an Italian take-away type restaraunt a couple of blocks away (the closest in the area) so we gave it a try.  As it it turned out, the place was owned and operated by real, live Italian folks and the food was authentic and our meals delicious.

After our supper, we went back to our room, figured out how to turn the power on, and off to bed early...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Saturday, November 17

Drew managed to sleep in till around 8, a first for this trip!  Brad and Ali, however, were up a little bit before 7.  Brad was a bit excited, because it's his 11th birthday today!  We dropped him off at the YMCA in Penrith for his gymnastics class, while Shaun, Drew and I headed to the mall so that we could get him a book for his birthday.  (Drew and Shaun got a version of 'orange whip' drinks at the mall, in homage to the Blues Brothers movie last night!)

Drew and I got to meet Leanne's parents, as they were at the Y when we came back for Brad.  Brad had a pack of boys come over for his birthday, and then they went ice skating.  They're back here now, in the pool!  Drew and I were sitting on the veranda when they first got here.  Shaun had them convinced that we were just some people who showed up a week or so ago and have been hanging out on the deck ever since.  Which is pretty much true!
 Drew contemplating his next nap.  Those are my toes, and my knitting bag... and our coffee cups!  Today was actually a bit of a cool day, and we were all in our jeans.

Shaun and Leanne's neighbourhood.  Its a quiet, no through street right on the edge of the bush.

There was a constant parade of kids through the house today, all having fun!  Boys were in the pool, girls were playaing in the house...   We just sat on the veranda and let it all revolve around us. 

In honour of Brad's birthday, we were going to go out to the Outback Steakhouse, which we were really looking forward to.  But there was a change of plans, and we ended up staying in an ordering about a dozen pizzas. They neighbours came by with their three kids, they had just been in Spain/Italy/France for a month.  It was great to meet them, and the pizza was good, too!

Friday, November 16

Spent the day in Blaxland doing nothing.  Nothing except knitting!  It was a rainy day, a 'tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwich' kind of day.  Very unusual for November here... but par for the course at home.  Except for it being about 20 degrees!

Shaun got called out to three separate MVAs... he is on the fire department here.  One was a fatality, and had the traffic blocked up along the highway.  We walked out to pick up Ali and Brad from school, and there was a news helicopter circling the area.  The accident happened right in front of the pub where Drew and Shaun were going later in the evening.  The wreck was still there in front of the pub.

The rain pounded down later in the evening.  It caused such a roar that I couldn't believe it was rain.  It was torrential... like that rain we had in January 2007 when our house flooded!  The thing is, here it stops after a bit, and does not continue on for four or five months like it does at home.

Max in the rain

You can't tell in this photo, but it was just bucketing down!  The mist forms in the valley below and rises, which is very pretty!

In the evening, we watched 'The Blues Brothers'.  For Drew saying he doesn't have a good memory, he could pretty much recite the dialog of the whole movie.  Ali and Brad seemed to love it!  Leanne... not so much!  But it was a fun movie night.  And we discovered a new junk food... twisties!  Think Hawkins Cheesies with a bit of... vegemite.  Surprisingly good!