Sunday, November 11, 2012

Monday, November 12

Just relaxing today, updating the travel blog and doing some laundry.  It's nice here today... 22 right now, heading to a high of 31.  It's a bit breezy, so it probably won't feel that hot.  We are heading out somewhere for lunch, to a place that evidently makes excellent pies.  Leanne got called into work today, so Drew took Brad & Ali to school.  He's been oustide with Max the retriever, reading on the veranda, while I've been updating the travel blog now that we have consistent internet service! 

We headed up to Wentworth Falls to have lunch, and then took a quick walk to some viewpoints of the falls. 

Wentworth Falls.  If you look carefully into the limestone cliffs to the right, you will see a number of different bushwalking tracks at various levels.  These trails go throughout the Blue Mountains. 
Drew checking out the view.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love reading your blog and missed it for a couple of days......You are certainly seeing lots of interesting stuff!!Glad you are both enjoying and relaxing!!