Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27

This was our day to leave Melbourne, and we were ready  to get out of a big city and back to paradise in Blaxland.  I woke up feeling under the weather with a wicked head cold... just what you want when you're flying!  Drew asked if we could get a late checkout, and said the desk guy would find out and let us know.  The Aussies we have come across in the travel industry, while being very nice, are also pretty lackadasical about timing, or setting up a meeting place, or anything else.  So by 10am, when the desk guy hadn't got back to us about a  late check out, I was fully prepared to stay in bed in misery.  But Drew, my little stickler for timelines and rules, made me get out of bed.  When we got down to  checkout, the desk guy felt pretty bad once he saw me, as he had arranged a late check out, but neglected to tell us.  We had brekkie at the hostel, then retreated up to a TV lounge and read until our taxi came for us at 1245.

It's a good thing that Drew had called ahead for a taxi, because the all night storm had caused havoc with traffic.  Our taxi driver told us that a couple of houses had been struck by lightning and burned to the ground.  And there was flooding.

Angela had posted on FB a weather warning of strong storms in NSW, so I wasn't really looking forward to the flight.  I took lots of drugs, and thankfully the weather held off!

Untill we got off the plane, then two trains from Sydney to Blaxland, and started the half hour walk back to Casa Demmitt with our luggage.  And I'm sick.  Once we started walking, the storm caught up with us, and we were in a full blown thunder and lightning storm.  Pulling luggage with a long, metal handle!  Well, Drew was pulling the luggage... I was doing my  best to keep up with him, because remember... I am sick!!  I am not fond of thunder and lightning, even less so if I happen to be walking in it!  Which I had never done before in my life.  I have to admit, it was a pretty awesome experience!  And luckily it wasn't raining... untill the last 100 meters or so of the walk, when we rounded the bend in the road and were within eyesight of the house.  Then the sky opened up!  All in all, it was an interesting commute from the Melbourne Metro YHA to Casa Demmittt... taxi, bus, flight, two trains and a half hour walk.  All of the Demmitts were out, so Drew and I retired to the veranda with beverages and watched the intesifying storm.

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