Sunday, November 04, 2012

Saturday, November 3

We really didn't have a Saturday.  The flight at best was uneventful.  Which is exactly what you want in a 16 hour flight over vast open ocean!  It wasn't the most comfortable flight I've ever taken (that would have been business class on SAS back  in my travel agent days with Liz), Nor was it the most uncomfortable flight (that would have been a BA flight with a group of jr. high students on a field trip).  But then again, I'm not 6 foot two, crammed into a window seat on an absolutely full airplane.  Drew started taking the pharmaceuticals rigtht away.  I managed to sleep alot, and he did a bit, too.  We shared our row with a fellow who started his day in Conneticut, came through Toronto to YVR, then onto Sydney for a business trip.  He then had another two weeks on thoad through Japan and China.  Fun times for him ahead.  He  worked for a company that manufactured airport ground handling equipment, and I take it he spent alot of time at airports all around the world... but not much time in the actual cities.

Our flight was pretty uneventful until it came time to clear quarrantine (Drew).  We had brought some food with us to eat on the plane (this was Air Canada afterall).   We ate most of it, but still checked the box about food on the quarrantine form.  We ditched the leftovers before we hit quarrantine, but because we checked the box on the form, we still had to go into the special line where the beagle comes and sniffs your luggage.  And he really liked Drew's backpack!  We offered several times to open it, but they let the dog do his thing.  Of course, we eventually had to do the full search.  No worries, no food!  Behind the counter there were about 4 beagles all napping in their crates.  I guess they have a pretty good collective agreement with regards to hours of work and break times!

We were lucky enough to coordinate up with Shaun's schedule perfectly, as his flight from Hong Kong got in just after ours.  We all got a shuttle together to his car, and off we were to Blaxland.

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