Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sunday, November 18

We took our chances on Shaun's schedule when we booked a 7am flight on Monday to go to Melbourne.  Shaun was scheduled for a 730 flight, so we banked on catching a ride to the airport with him.  But, of course, since we actually banked on that, Shaun got called for a flight this morning.  So he was off to Brisbane at about 8am, to spend the day in a hotel for a midnight flight to... somewhere.  We had to go to Plan B.  Unfortunately, the first train out of the Mountains is at 0422 on Monday, and with connections, would get us to the airport too late to check in for our flight.  So we are training off to Sydney around 5pm ish this afternoon, and staying at the no-doubt luxurious Sydney Airport Hotel.  Only $105, and it includes... free wireless wi-fi!  We shall see.  This actually works out pretty good, as we can get there on the train for about $8, transferring at Central in downtown Sydney.  The hotel clerk even told us which platform to transfer to! And they have airport drop off in the morning.  So we don't have to get up at the crack of stoo-pid in the morning.  It will take us about 1 hour 45 minutes to get there, including the transfer and walking the 500 meters with our big, fat suitcase... that is about .9 kilo under the maximum weight for the JetStar flight tomorrow!

We spent today doing laundry, eating leftover pizza, knitting, drinking coffee, eating Tim Tams, watching the kids... packing... figuring out travel details... updating the travel blog!  I'm going to miss easy access to internet.  Travel blog updates might be far and few between... but Facebook should be easy enough!  Sorry, Randy.

<update...Drew here>
We took the train into Sydney and checked into the Airport Hotel.  It looked kinda seedy on the outside but inside the room was clean but small.  We couldn't figure out how to power-up the room but at is was going on 7pm decided to find some supper.  The area where we are staying isn't particularly urban however the lady at the front desk recommended an Italian take-away type restaraunt a couple of blocks away (the closest in the area) so we gave it a try.  As it it turned out, the place was owned and operated by real, live Italian folks and the food was authentic and our meals delicious.

After our supper, we went back to our room, figured out how to turn the power on, and off to bed early...

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