Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monday, November 26

woke up  in Appollo Bay and caught the second  part of our Great Ocean Road tour.  I ended up with a sore throat, so we took it a bit easy today.  We were out for breakfast at the place the tour bus dropped us off on Saturday, thinking it would be easy enough to connect up with the bus again... wrong!  We were sitting on the sidewalk enjoying our breakfast at Ilka, but never saw the  bus.  Drew was running back and forth back to the hostel, and also up along the main street.  I wasn't feeling much like running around, but I did talk to a couple of other tour drivers who assured me that they saw our tour bus on the road.  We finally did connect up with them, and coincidently it was the same tour driver from our Phillip Island day... Ash!  He and Drew bumped into each other on the back street, and we were ready to go by 1320

Got dropped off to the hostel in Melbourne pretty late... about 11 pm or so.  Our room faced the city skyscrapers this time, and about 3am we were treated to quite the lightning storm.  It kept storming all night, and was still raining torentially in the morning.

More to add when I'm feeling better!

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