Friday, September 09, 2005

I just realized I hadn't changed the time, so all the dates/times on these entries will reflect PDT, not Darwin wacky time! It's kinda like Newfoundland... we changed time by 1/2 hr!

Consider this story: Last night on the plane from Sydney, I sat with a fellow who obviously hadn't flown much. I'm sure he was older than me, and not an anxious traveller, just relatively new at it. We chatted (yeah, I chat to everyone!!). He's from East Timor originally, and had a good government job there. He left when the Indonesian government came in and 'started killing everyone'. He fled to Hong Kong/Macau (sp?) for 4 years, then ended up in Sydney. His sister died during his 'exile', and he couldn't go home to be with his family. Now his brother is very sick, and he's making his first trip home in 12 years. Make my separation from Drew for 5 months seem pretty insignificant.

Landed after midnight last night, and it's muggy. Evidently, this is the nice time to be here!! It's warm this morning, too... my fingers are quite swollen. It's pretty bad when I'm eating my breakfast in an air conditioned cafe at 8:30, and I can feel sweat trickling down my back! Mmmmmm!!!

I have 3 roomies from Denmark who showed up this morning, straight from the plane. They're dressed in hoodies and sweats. I suggested they may want to send all that stuff home... hee hee!! Nice girls, kind of worried to be travelling by themselves, but I can't see having any problems here.

Well, maybe except for the group of 10 guys who flew here from Sydney for a 'bucks week'. Same as a stag party, except longer... I think I may see these blokes on the front page of the newspaper later this week! I think it says something when you'll fly the equivalent from Florida to Minnesota to let off some steam. Yup... front pagers!!

Drew has told me where to find him tomorrow morning, and since I seem to have this ability to sweet talk my way into situations, I'll see if I can get a nice sailor to sign me onto the base tomorrow morning!

So, as far as my losses go for this trip... lost my skoocum water bottle. I was sad to see that go. Lost my nice new combination lock... no worries. Thanks to Stoo-ie, I have the backup padlock! And the most devastating loss... I can't find the zip off legs to my dark blue Columbia shorts! Drat. Those were my most favorite pants! Now they're just expensive shorts! I e-mailed the hostel, but I bet they get a million things left behind. So today I'm shopping for a new pair of pants! I have to get Drew a few things anyhow, so it's a VISA card day!

I hope people are reading this! If you want to drop me a note, I'm at

Sweaty Marie

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