Saturday, September 10, 2005

Real quick note tonight, I only have 5 minutes left!!

Went to the movie last night, an Indian singing-dancing extravaganza! The Deckchair Cinema is brilliant, $10 for the movie, sitting outside under the stars! They had Indian food for $9, and beer, too! Nummy. The movie was alot of fun, the normal singing/dancing stuff. I got back to the room, and my roomies were just heading out for the night! I read and general unwound, and tried to figure out where the heck I left my pant legs! Then it came to me... the abseiling place in Katoomba! That was it!!! (They have since sent me an e-mail confirming... I'm so happy!)

Got up early and switched rooms, then walked down to meet Drew! Got on the ship no problem, had a bit of a visit there while the ship cleared quarantine. They inspected EVERYONE's golf clubs and shoes! Very stringent here.

I went through Drew's bag and took out everything that was cotton... which was everything. We went shopping, and now Drew is a bit better outfitted! We went to the Parap markets and ate lots of interesting food and fruits, and then to the Aviation Museum (I had a nap!)

My feet are swelling quite badly today.

Went back to the room for a swim, and now out to the movies again!

Drew sends his greetings to everyone!


1 comment:

Nobody said...

was roaming around and visited your site..... juz stopped to say hi....

Have a good trip!