Sunday, November 25, 2012

Saturday, November 23

We got picked up bright and early, 7:15,  for our Great Ocean Road trip with Autopia Tours.  The small bus didn't have luggage storage, and we had our suitcase with us since we were staying in Appollo Bay for two days.  The bus got full rather quickly, but the American student girls were good about  jumping over our suitcase in the aisle!  The scenery along the GOR reminds us so much of the Oregon coast... except for the gum trees, kangaroos and wild koalas sitting in  the gum trees!

Pictures posted when we get solid internet.

We went as far as Appollo Bay, and got dropped off at lunchtime.  Appollo Bay has a gorgeous youth hostel, but  unfortunately, it's not easy to get anywhere or see anything if you don't have a car.  So we have spent a lot of time walking on the beach and looking at the birds and walking around the village looking at houses and gardens.  Which is pretty nice in the lovely November weather!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gorgeous beaches there....missing my kiddies!!