Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28

I woke up this morning... eventually.  Sick.  Flying with a head cold is not fun at all.  The sore throat is gone, but I'm trying to keep this  cold from becoming a nasty cough.

Drew and I just relaxed today, sitting on the veranda with Shaun and Macx the dog.  I felt not too bad, as long as I  didn't move!

The only thing we want to do that we haven't done yet is go to the Jenolan Caves.  After figuring out a plan A, and a backup Plan B, we think we are driving there tomorrow for a day excursion.  Unless I am too sick to enjoy it, then we will take the train to Katoomba on Friday and do a coach tour.  Our time here is coming to an end.  Luckily Shaun is home and will take us into the airport on Sunday for our flight home. Leanne - sadly for us, but good for her - is away  with some girlfriends, so we won't see her before we leave.

Friday and Saturday, it is forecasted to get to 40 degrees.  I think I will spend those days submerged in the pool.

The weather here today is overcast, but not really cold.  This evening after dinner, we were sitting outside in our shorts, eating ice cream and listening to the cockatoos coming in to roost.  Just a little bit chilled!  It has started to rain again, too... just a very light drizzle at first, but now at 1930, it's really coming down and the lightning and thunder has started again.

Drew and Shaun are debating with movie we will watch tonight... will it be the Battle of Britain, The Right Stuff, or Dark Blue Skies?


Unknown said...

Take something before you fly....and take some pics of the Demitts!!!!

marie said...

The Demmitts are camera shy! And it's pretty much impossible to get them all together at the same time.